
The podcast_playlist shortcode can be used to display a playlist of podcast episodes anywhere on your site. You can specify which episodes you would like to display, what order you would you like them to be displayed, and a number of other options to enhance your playlist output.


The podcast_playlist shortcode can be used to display a playlist of podcast episodes anywhere on your site. You can specify which episodes you would like to display, what order you would you like them to be displayed, and a number of other options to enhance your playlist output.


The podcast_episode shortcode can be used to display a single podcast episode anywhere on your site. You can display any combination of the following episode data: title, audio player, excerpt, full content and episode details (download link, file size, duration and date recorded).


The ss_podcast shortcode can be used to display a list of all your podcast episodes or a list of all your podcast series anywhere on your site.